Sell faster and better with dynamic and personalized pricing

We help African stores price their products dynamically, helping them sell faster and better to their favourite customers

Sell with less hassle.

Showcase your store and prices. We help buyers easily find your product if your price range matches with their buy price.

Increase your sales reach for free.

More buyers are buying online. You don't need to spend money opening a new store location or on product ads. 

Create a free store profile to connect and sell to buyers within your city with our technology.

Sell more with less time.

No more endless bargaining. Save time with our technology.

Worry about more important business matters while we help you sell to more buyers.

Selling with us is simple and easy.

Create an account on our seller platform and get verified.

Start with uploading your 10 best product lines. 

Start fulfilling more orders 🚀🚀